Jan 11, 2015

Cara Mencetak Pratinjau Di aplikasi VB

Artikel ini menunjukkan kepada Anda bagaimana untuk membuat contoh proyek yang menambahkan cetak Pratinjau kemampuan program Visual Basic Anda dengan menggunakan objek generik dan objek Printer. Artikel ini mengasumsikan Anda sudah familiar dengan objek dan kontrol Dialog umum dalam Visual Basic.


Membuat contoh proyek

  1. Memulai sebuah proyek Standard EXE yang baru dalam Visual Basic. Form1 dibuat oleh default.
  2. Menambahkan referensi ke Microsoft umum Dialog kontrol 6.0 dengan menyelesaikan langkah-langkah berikut:

    1. Dari proyek menu, pilih komponen untuk menampilkan komponen kotak dialog.
    2. Dari tab kontrol, memeriksa Microsoft umum Dialog kontrol 6.0.
    3. Klik OK untuk menutup kotak dialog komponen.
  3. Tambahkan CommandButtons tiga, dua PictureBox kontrol, dan satu umum Dialog kontrol untuk Form1.
  4. Salin kode berikut ke jendela kode Form1:
          Option Explicit
          Private Sub Form_Load()
             CommonDialog1.CancelError = True
             Command1.Caption = "Load Picture"
             Command2.Caption = "Print Preview"
             Command3.Caption = "Print"
          End Sub
          Private Sub Command1_Click()
             Dim sFileFilter As String
             On Error GoTo ErrHandler
             sFileFilter = "Bitmap Files (*.bmp)|*.bmp|"
             sFileFilter = sFileFilter & "GIF Files (*.gif)|*.gif|"
             sFileFilter = sFileFilter & "Icon Files (*.ico)|*.ico|"
             sFileFilter = sFileFilter & "JPEG Files (*.jpg)|*.jpg|"
             sFileFilter = sFileFilter & "Windows MetaFiles (*.wmf)|.wmf"
             With CommonDialog1
                .Filter = sFileFilter
                If .FileName <> " " Then
                   Picture2.Picture = LoadPicture(.FileName)
                End If
             End With
                Exit Sub
          End Sub
          Private Sub Command2_Click()
             Dim dRatio As Double
             dRatio = ScalePicPreviewToPrinterInches(Picture1)
             PrintRoutine Picture1, dRatio
          End Sub
          Private Sub Command3_Click()
             Printer.ScaleMode = vbInches
             PrintRoutine Printer
          End Sub
          Private Function ScalePicPreviewToPrinterInches _
             (picPreview As PictureBox) As Double
             Dim Ratio As Double ' Ratio between Printer and Picture
             Dim LRGap As Double, TBGap As Double
             Dim HeightRatio As Double, WidthRatio As Double
             Dim PgWidth As Double, PgHeight As Double
             Dim smtemp As Long
             ' Get the physical page size in Inches:
             PgWidth = Printer.Width / 1440
             PgHeight = Printer.Height / 1440
             ' Find the size of the non-printable area on the printer to
             ' use to offset coordinates. These formulas assume the
             ' printable area is centered on the page:
             smtemp = Printer.ScaleMode
             Printer.ScaleMode = vbInches
             LRGap = (PgWidth - Printer.ScaleWidth) / 2
             TBGap = (PgHeight - Printer.ScaleHeight) / 2
             Printer.ScaleMode = smtemp
             ' Scale PictureBox to Printer's printable area in Inches:
             picPreview.ScaleMode = vbInches
             ' Compare the height and with ratios to determine the
             ' Ratio to use and how to size the picture box:
             HeightRatio = picPreview.ScaleHeight / PgHeight
             WidthRatio = picPreview.ScaleWidth / PgWidth
             If HeightRatio < WidthRatio Then
                Ratio = HeightRatio
                smtemp = picPreview.Container.ScaleMode
                picPreview.Container.ScaleMode = vbInches
                picPreview.Width = PgWidth * Ratio
                picPreview.Container.ScaleMode = smtemp
                Ratio = WidthRatio
                smtemp = picPreview.Container.ScaleMode
                picPreview.Container.ScaleMode = vbInches
                picPreview.Height = PgHeight * Ratio
                picPreview.Container.ScaleMode = smtemp
             End If
             ' Set default properties of picture box to match printer
             ' There are many that you could add here:
             picPreview.Scale (0, 0)-(PgWidth, PgHeight)
             picPreview.Font.Name = Printer.Font.Name
             picPreview.FontSize = Printer.FontSize * Ratio
             picPreview.ForeColor = Printer.ForeColor
             ScalePicPreviewToPrinterInches = Ratio
          End Function
          Private Sub PrintRoutine(objPrint As Object, _
                                   Optional Ratio As Double = 1)
             ' All dimensions in inches:
             ' Print some graphics to the control object
             objPrint.Line (1, 1)-(1 + 6.5, 1 + 9), , B
             objPrint.Line (1.1, 2)-(1.1, 2)
             objPrint.PaintPicture Picture2, 1.1, 1.1, 0.8, 0.8
             objPrint.Line (2.1, 1.2)-(2.1 + 5.2, 1.2 + 0.7), _
                            RGB(200, 200, 200), BF
             ' Print a title
             With objPrint
                .Font.Name = "Arial"
                .CurrentX = 2.3
                .CurrentY = 1.3
                .FontSize = 35 * Ratio
                objPrint.Print "Visual Basic Printing"
             End With
             ' Print some circles
             Dim x As Single
             For x = 3 To 5.5 Step 0.2
                objPrint.Circle (x, 3.5), 0.75
             ' Print some text
             With objPrint
                .Font.Name = "Courier New"
                .FontSize = 30 * Ratio
                .CurrentX = 1.5
                .CurrentY = 5
                objPrint.Print "It is possible to do"
                .FontSize = 24 * Ratio
                .CurrentX = 1.5
                .CurrentY = 6.5
                objPrint.Print "It is possible to do print"
                .FontSize = 18 * Ratio
                .CurrentX = 1.5
                .CurrentY = 8
                objPrint.Print "It is possible to do print preview"
             End With
          End Sub
  5. Pada Run menu, pilih Start, atau tekan tombol F5 untuk memulai program. Klik Load gambar CommandButton untuk membuka kotak Dialog umum. Pilih file grafis yang sesuai dan klik OK. Grafis ditampilkan di PictureBox. Klik CommandButton Preview cetak untuk Menampilkan grafis dan beberapa teks di PictureBox lain. Klik CommandButton cetak untuk mencetak isi PictureBox. (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/193379/id-id)

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